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Rosemary District Redevelopment is a Winner - Spring 2000

Thank the strong economy for the revitalization of the Rosemary District...

Thank the strong economy for the revitalization of the Rosemary District, but don’t shortchange the efforts of volunteers, city officials and the private sector for a resounding turnaround in this area just north of downtown.  Five years ago in the Rosemary District, crime was rampant and many properties were vacant or in disrepair.  Today in the Rosemary District, the School of Arts and Sciences is flourishing, Pat Ball's Hood Building is rented and looks stunning, Harvey Vengroff has plans for commercial and residential on the east side of Central at 7th Street, and Channel 40 and the Salvation Army plan new buildings at 10th Street and Lemon Avenue.  A savvy investor can still find value, but $3- to $4-per-sq.-ft. land prices are a thing of the past.