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Retail Vacancies - 4th Quarter 2020

The retail industry has been evolving over the past decade primarily because of the widespread and growing acceptance of online shopping.

The retail industry has been evolving over the past decade primarily because of the widespread and growing acceptance of online shopping. Malls are slowly becoming endangered species – if not dinosaurs. Still, a wide variety of large and small retailers thrive through brick-and-mortar platforms – particularly merchants that focus on jewelry, women’s clothing, furniture and guns. The bargain retailers – Walmart, Home Depot, Costco, Target and others – also continue to thrive. Covid-19 has had its impact on retail by helping push online retail purchase acceptance further. The service-oriented retail sector – hair and nail salons, fitness centers and, of course, restaurants – have been hit the hardest by Covid-19 shutdowns and reduced occupancies. Excluding malls, the storefront vacancies created over the past nine months are starting to be occupied and it appears a new face is taking shape within our marketplace, one that will have more service-oriented retail, specialty retail and entertainment uses.